Saturday 15 January 2011

Questionnaire for my second ancillary

Marketing is vital in every business as this can determine the success or failure of a company. At first I couldn't decide, whether to do a radio advert or a website. Both have its benefits and drawbacks. A radio advert is affordable and an effective medium for delivery of advertisement to targeted audience. However, it depends on who the target audience are and also some people don’t even listen to radio anymore as there are a lot of other media that they prefer such as the television. On the other hand, website advertising can also be so powerful and cost effective tool to get to audiences. It’s excellent because it can provide a maximum exposure for my product than any other form of advertising. However, this might require a professional IT to do the website properly and effectively, which means that this will costs the company more money. I didn’t know which one to do for my second ancillary so I decided to ask my target audience on which form of advertising would they prefer.

According to the survey that I have taken, a more than half of the audience (60%) preferred a website, 30% wanted radio advertising and the 10% voted for other forms or ads such as television or maybe they are just not bothered and they don’t really mind which one. This has helped me to decide on which one to do for my second ancillary. I will now be doing a website to promote my Lambeth Press newspaper. But before I go ahead with it I will be doing another survey in oerder to ensure that I am on the right track.

This pie chart shows a clear result that the majority of people (75%) have an internet access which seems that I am right in deciding to do a website rather than a radio advert.

I also asked my target audience on how (which device) do they use in order to access the internet. Nearly half of them (45%) said that they use a computer. This is true as we are living in a very modern, technological world; most people in the world are computer owners.  There were also a lot of people that said that they use a mobile phone to access the internet, so when doing my website I have to make sure that my pictures are clear and in high quality so that when the readers access the newspaper through their mobile device, hopefully the pictures won’t turn blurry or neither pixelated.


Lastly, majority of my target audience said that they have access to the internet which is excellent as this increases the chance of them visiting Lambeth Press’ website. Also, only 5% said that they do not have an access with the internet at all which proves that I probably did make the right decision in making a website for my second ancillary.

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