Monday 13 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise

This is my summer assignment:

I did this newspaper front page when I haven’t done any research. As you can see, it follows some conventions however, it doesn’t really follow all the conventions of a real media product because for instance I don’t think that this newspaper demonstarate clearly what the newspaper’s attitude is  towards the news of the day. For my real project which will be a local newspaper. I will try to research as much as I can to make it look like a profosseional newspaper. I will be researching how newspapers are in general most specifically the local ones, the convention of it and the different type of layouts.

I will be using media technologies in my planning and research of my newspaper.  I will be using the internet to go on different websites as this will have a wide range of different information readily available and I am aware that not all the information on the internet are reliable and accurate so I will be careful in choosing the ones that I think  will help me with my project. When I think I have enough knowledge about the layouts I will be using Adobe InDesign to make my own different types of layouts and pick the best one, I will then use that for my project.  I am planning to take my original photos with my SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera as this is a professional camera the photos will be in good quality. However, if I have to edit the background or amend the photos I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS3.

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