Monday 20 September 2010

Research on newspaper

I researched different types of newspapers as well as looked at other people’s work. I both looked at a hard copy newspaper and a 'soft' digital one on the Internet to give me a deeper understanding about newspapers.

I discovered that on newspapers the spaces on the page are used well, I hardly saw a gap on the pages. Also the editors tend to indent the beginning of the story or make the first letter bold and so much bigger than the rest of the text in the story; they do this to help the readers know where the story begins.  All newspapers have their own nameplate, which helps readers to develop a connection between the brand and the content in a way that enables the formation of preferences and judgments. This is an example of a nameplate:

Some newspapers load as much stuff as they can on and around the nameplate. Sometimes this can work to keep the reader’s attention up top, but without an incredibly sharp editing eye, it can quickly turn into an overcrowded mess. The masthead also sometimes contains the date of the publication and newspapers tend to have the price in a small font (or sometimes the same font size of the publication date.)
The language use in newspapers is colloquial, easy to understand and usually in short paragraphs. I am now aware that newspapers don’t just use any fonts, the layout editors need to make sure that the fonts are visible, readable and classic. Here are some of the most famous fonts used in a newspaper: times, Poynter, Franklin gothic, Helvetica, Utopia, Century old style, Interstate, Trade gothic, Nimrod and Optima.
Some newspaper uses a teaser. Teaser is a front page box placed over or below the masthead, which lists the important stories run on inside pages or boxes announcing a paper’s inside content.
Lead headline is in bold and much bigger font size that the rest of the text on a page. Lead headline is the title of a news report run in display type to catch the attention of the readers. A headline summarizes the most important point in a news report.

I will be following the normal conventions of a newspaper. I will do this by having a nameplate on the top, creating my own logo to differentiate my own media product from someone else's, by having a headline and a sidebar. I would also try to challenge these forms but as of now I am not sure how to, reason why I will be doing more research this following days/weeks regarding with this matter.

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