In class, I presented what I have done so far through Microsoft PowerPoint. I showed the class and my teacher how I done the nameplate and the reasons why I decided for it to look like that. I showed my draft Lambeth Press front page.
My teacher said that my presentation was excellent because I explained things in details. For instance, when I took my original pictures I explained why I wanted them to be like that. For example, one of the pictures are zoomed in, which I did in purpose to emphasize the person's facial expression. I also explained how I modified them to suit my newspaper and I used Adobe Photoshop for to be able to dot his. My teacher Miss Smith also said that it's good how I have research everything before doing things such as the layouts. Firstly, I researched the conventions of a newspaper in general but most specifically a local one as that is exactly what I'm going to be doing. I also conducted a questionnaire from my potential target audience and for the result I analyzed each answer with a pie chart to make things even more clear and easier to understand. I researched on typography to have a deeper understanding regarding the texts that I will be using for my newspaper. I found out which texts should be used and which shouldn't. Miss Smith said that I have a 'strong knowledge and understanding, as well as informative comments on work made'.
When I was doing the presentation, I took the chance to ask my peers on what they think of my newspaper front page and these are the comments that they made.
Ebun: 'Re position the texts and move the pictures because you can spot on some big spaces.'
Mary: 'Change the text on your yellow advert because it's not readable as the texts are overlapping each other.'
Bukky: 'Make sure you add a caption for the image that you have because that's what I found out with every photos in newspapers.'
Biancha: 'Maybe consider taking off the bullet points on the sidebar as it looks a bit like a magazine but if you decided not to, at least change the sidebar a little bit by adding another photograph maybe.'
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