Tuesday 30 November 2010

Planning and resrach for Lambeth Press newspaper's inside (second) page

For my inside page research, I did a field and secondary research. I looked at different kinds of newspaper (hard copy).  I analyzed different types; such as local, nationwide, business newspapers. I also used the internet for further research. Whenever a newspaper has a sidebar on their front page they usually carry on at least one of the article headline on the sidebar to the inside page. So I decided that I will be doing this to follow the convention and not break the norms. I also have to make sure that the texts will be written in columns. From all the newspaper that I have researched such as South London Press, Metro, Evening Standard and City AM; within their inside page they include something that will immediately show the readers which particular newspaper they are reading. I decided to add the logo of Lambeth Press on the inside page to be able to let the readers know that they are reading my newspaper, I will add additional necessary informations such as the page number because this is a must so that no confusion will take place. Local newspaper in particular features quite a lot of advert on the inside page, so I will dedicate a big space for the advertisements that I will originally be making later on. I will also add a line to make it clear and emphasize where an article begin and ends. 

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