Monday 6 December 2010

Research on my first ancillary.

                        My first ancillary task is going to be creating a newspaper poster to persuade readers to read ' Lambeth Pres' local newspaper. There are now only a  few generic local newspaper posters around. I started my research on this and I found out that these posters must be persuasive as it needs to persuade people to read the newspaper. Not a lot of words are used; it's usually big, bold letters across the whole page to attract the readers' attention.  Also the newspaper's template is usually at the bottom or top of the page to inform the reader which newspaper is the poster referring to. Unfortunately, when I was doing my research I realised that there isn't a lot of newspaper posters out there most especially local ones in comparison with other posters such as movie and music posters. Here are some examples of newspaper posters (this are the ones that I mainly used for my research to help me create my own local newspaper poster):

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